The art of constructing buildings and making streets and sidewalks has been width us since the days of the Egyptians. While the technology used today to make concrete has certainly changed for the better, the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans used baking ovens where they mixed clay with straw and other earthen material to formulate material that was later used for construction. Today’s concrete and cement mixers look so much different than their earlier counterparts. When you talk of cement mixers, most people envision the huge cement rotating drums that are mounted on large construction trucks that speed to and fro construction sites.
Cement mixers trucks
Sometimes, cement mixers trucks are also known as concrete mixer trucks. While cement and concrete are actually different, people refer to them interchangeably. Concrete mixers use specialized technology that mixes sand, gravel, water and some chemicals to form cement which is a gooey substance that is used to make sidewalks and road paths.
These mixers are very convenient. In the past, people used to mix the concrete and cement themselves and this was not always very efficient because it was slow. The hand mixed cement mixers did not always do a good job. This was because of the time element and the composition element. The cement was then packed into wheel barrows then ferried to the construction site. But cement mixers have changed all this and are a much better option. They save time and encourage efficiency because the cement can be processed and mixed at the same time while the truck is on the way to the construction site.
Cement began being part of road construction in the 1800s and all this was brought about by the motor revolution which caused many cars to be manufactured. Then in the 1920s automobiles became more widespread and so did concrete mixers.
In the 1970s, there were some concerns raised by environmentalists regarding cement mixers and there were technological modifications made in order to ensure that the concrete mixers were environment. Today, the concrete mixers, use safer materials, emit less toxins, are skid resistant and are also more or less weather resistant. The 18-wheeler trucks have also been modified to support cement and transportation of that cement to and fro the construction site.
Today, over 90% of the roads in the United States are constructed using cement. The trucks can be bought from the regular car dealers that sell ordinary cars. Companies like Ford, Fiat, Mercedes Benz all have truck divisions which sell cement trucks. If you wanted to purchase a truck you also might want to look online. If your budget is shoe-string then the best place to look for a concrete mixer truck is online where someone may be selling a used truck. eBay also stocks good deals when it comes to cement trucks and the price is also affordable because eBay allows buyers to bid on the products.